Tuesday, November 22, 2022

QBP #133 - Lost Universe #1 & i-Bots #9


Quarter-Bin Podcast #133

Original air date: April 23, 2019

Gene Roddenberry's Lost Universe #1 & Isaac Isamov's I-Bots #9,

This is the first of a two-episode mini-series focusing on the Tekno Comix line of books.

Right-click to download episode directly

Next Episode: Teknophage 1 & 10

Send e-mail feedback to relativelygeeky@gmail.com, no matter how long ago this episode originally posted.


  1. Hey Professor. I enjoyed listening to this. I keep trying to find an online version of this Lost Universe series, as I am missing a few issues. I, like you, collected them as they came out, but I missed a few in both series. I liked them. You're right, they are very 90s in design and writing. I think they'd make for a very interesting book or tv series. I have tried to look into who has the copyright currently to see if adaptations are possible.

    A couple of little errors in the podcast, not to be nit-picky, sorry, but I couldn't resist. You kept mentioning "Peralta". The character's name in Penalta Blue. The other one I noticed - and I wasn't sure if this was intentional to avoid spoilers - was that you said the second series is named for a character "Xander" that is not in the issue you reviewed... but he very much is in every issue. If you want me to clarify, let me know :)

    1. With the exception of Mister Hero, I have never seen any Tekno series collected. And I've never seen any online, although I only look at legal sites ;O)

      I wonder if the combination of the "celebrity" creators and the defunct publisher makes those licenses ... complicated, to say the least. Good luck!

      Thanks for listening, and commenting, and even for the corrections!

  2. No worries, I love this stuff too.

    I reccently saw the Neil Gaiman and Leonard Nimoy ones reprinted in Graphic Novel format and got excited, but the others weren't around. I can't think of the label that was on it, but it wasn't Techno Comics anymore. Yes, I think you are right regarding the copyright ownership issues.

    Thanks for the reply!
